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Gesamtbewertung: Gut
Adresse: El Tarf, El-Taref, Algérie
Angebotene Standorte der Hosting-Server
New York Dallas Toronto

Pläne für geteilte Unterbringung

Name des Plans Weltraum Bandbreite Panel Number of Sites Preis Partitur
tsidz01 80 GB Unlimited cPanel Unlimited $1.99 9.8
tsidz02 120 GB Unlimited cPanel Unlimited $2.99 9.8
tsidz03 220 GB Unlimited cPanel Unlimited $3.99 10
tsidz04 Unlimited Unlimited cPanel Unlimited $4.95 9.8
PAOWER ALL 120 GB Unlimited WHM Unlimited $4.35 9.8
PAOWER 01 200 GB Unlimited WHM Unlimited $7.99 9.8
PAOWER 02 400 GB Unlimited WHM Unlimited $10.99 9.8
PAOWER 03 Unlimited Unlimited WHM Unlimited $17.99 9.8


Name des Plans Weltraum CPU RAM OS Preis Partitur
VPS ONE 20 GB 1 x 2.40GHz 512 MB linux $20.00 9.8
VPS TOW 40 GB 1 x 2.40GHz 1 GB linux $5.00 9.8
VPS THREE 80 GB 2 x 2.40GHz 2 GB linux $9.00 9.8
VPS FOR 160 GB 3 x 2.40GHz 4 GB linux $16.00 9.8
VPS Five 320 GB 4 x 2.40GHz 8 GB linux $27.00 9.8


Name des Plans Weltraum CPU RAM OS Preis Partitur
VPS ONE 20 GB 1 x 2.40GHz 512 MB linux $20.00 9.8
VPS TOW 40 GB 1 x 2.40GHz 1 GB linux $5.00 9.8
VPS THREE 80 GB 2 x 2.40GHz 2 GB linux $9.00 9.8
VPS FOR 160 GB 3 x 2.40GHz 4 GB linux $16.00 9.8
VPS Five 320 GB 4 x 2.40GHz 8 GB linux $27.00 9.8


Name des Plans Weltraum CPU RAM OS Preis Partitur
VPS ONE 20 GB 1 x 2.40GHz 512 MB linux $20.00 9.8
VPS TOW 40 GB 1 x 2.40GHz 1 GB linux $5.00 9.8
VPS THREE 80 GB 2 x 2.40GHz 2 GB linux $9.00 9.8
VPS FOR 160 GB 3 x 2.40GHz 4 GB linux $16.00 9.8
VPS Five 320 GB 4 x 2.40GHz 8 GB linux $27.00 9.8


Name des Plans Weltraum CPU RAM Bandbreite Preis Partitur
Elastic Cloud Hosting 1 GB 1 x 2.40GHz 1 GB Unlimited $6.29 10

Pläne für Wiederverkäufer

Name des Plans Weltraum Bandbreite Panel Preis Partitur
RESELLER BÁSICO 10 GB Unlimited cPanel $31.71 9.2
RESELLER AVANZADO 20 GB Unlimited cPanel $53.58 10
RESELLER PREMIUM 50 GB Unlimited cPanel $108.26 10
RESELLER DEDICADO 100 GB Unlimited cPanel $195.75 9.8

DDoS Protection Plans

Name des Plans Merkmale Number of Sites Preis Partitur
Protección DDoS Protección DDoS gratuita en toda nuestra red. 2147483647 $0.00 9.8


Name des Plans Weltraum CPU RAM OS Preis Partitur
Basic VPS Pack - TheHosting4U 50 GB 2 x 2.90GHz 1.95 GB windows $49.00 10
Starter VPS Pack - TheHosting4U 80 GB 2 x 2.90GHz 3.91 GB windows $99.00 10

Pläne für dedizierte Server

Name des Plans Weltraum CPU RAM OS Preis Partitur
6 Core Server - Intel Xeon E5 1650 V2 1 TB 6 x 3.50GHz 8 GB windows $201.55 10
SSD Storage Server - 8 TB (PNJ) 1000 GB 4 x 2.20GHz 8 GB windows $433.55 10
6 Core Server - Intel Xeon E5 1650 V4 (PNJ) 1 TB 6 x 3.30GHz 16 GB windows $237.00 10
8 Core Server - Intel Core i7 9700K (LAX) 2 TB 8 x 3.60GHz 8 GB windows $150.00 10
8 Core Server - Intel Core i7 9700K (MIA) 2 TB 8 x 3.60GHz 8 GB windows $150.80 10


Southard Aronowitz

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